Common Mental Health Disorders that may Require Therapy


Sometimes diagnosing mental illness can be challenging. The best way to find the appropriate treatment is to spend the effort and time necessary to diagnose the problem. The more information you have, you’ll be better equipped to communicate with your mental health professional about your symptoms.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association, outlines each of the defining characteristics of mental illness. Mental healthcare professionals use this manual to diagnose mental conditions. Insurance companies use it to reimburse for treatment.

Psychotherapy or talk therapy is when you discuss your condition and any related issues with a mental health professional. Psychotherapy allows you to talk about your situation and how it affects your emotions, thoughts, and behavior. You will be able to manage stress and cope with the information you get. It can be used to treat mental disorders. A psychotherapy session is when you speak to a doctor, licensed mental health care professional, or another person to discuss your troubling thoughts.

There are many types and approaches to psychotherapy. Sometimes, psychotherapy can be completed in a few weeks, but in some instances, it may be necessary to continue treatment for a more extended period of time. It can be performed one-on-one or in a group setting with family members.

When you choose a therapist to help you, you should feel at ease. However, you should do your best to select one with enough expertise and skill to deal with your issue—particularly one that has gotten some form of license through exams such as the PTA exam. You need to trust that the therapist will listen and understand what you have. Your life experience is crucial in helping you know your therapist. The majority of studies show that psychotherapy and drugs are more effective than anyone treating major mental disorders.

However, we will be looking at some of the most common mental health issues that therapy can treat.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

This is a condition that some people may experience after witnessing a terrible or traumatic event like a bombing, war, or rape. Flashbacks, panic attacks, sleep disturbances, angry outbursts, and feeling isolated are all symptoms of PTSD. People with PTSD may experience uncontrollable thoughts or intrusive memories. They may avoid places, people, or events that might trigger those memories. Psychotherapy and medications can be used to treat PTSD. The therapist can use a variety of treatment options.

Anxiety disorders

These disorders are characterized by fearful reactions to certain objects and situations. Patients may experience rapid heartbeats, sweating, and other physical reactions to certain situations and objects. They can’t control their responses. These anxiety disorders can cause more problems than they solve. They can impact relationships, school performance, and other aspects of life such as job performance. These disorders include panic disorder.


This is one of the most rampant mental health issues you can find in people today, that might require some form of therapy or the other. Depression is a mood disorder marked by lower mood, diminished interest and enjoyment, and decreased energy. It is more than sadness. Many signs and symptoms can be associated with depression. There are many different types and manifestations of depression. Depression symptoms can increase your risk of suicidal thinking or behavior.

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder. It was once generally referred to as ’manic Depression’. A bipolar disorder sufferer experiences periods of mania (elation) and depression. This person might experience psychotic symptoms. Although it is unclear what causes the symptoms, there has been evidence of a genetic predisposition.

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